provide the following information and answer the
questions below. Please note: information you provide
here is protected as confidential information. Please
fill out this form and bring it to your first session. Name:
Initial) Name
of parent/guardian (if under 18 years):
(Last) (First)
Initial) Birth
Date: ______ /______ /______ Age:
________ Gender:
___ Male ___Female Marital
Status: ___
Never Married ___ Domestic Partnership ___ Married ?
Separated ___ Divorced ___ Widowed Please
list any children/age:
________________________________________________________ Address:
and Number) _______________________________________________________________________________ (City)
(Zip) Home
Phone: (___) ______________
May we leave a message? ___Yes ___No Cell/Other
Phone: (___) ______________
May we leave a message? ___Yes ___No E-mail:
_________________________________________ May
we email you? ___Yes ___No *Please
note: Email correspondence is not considered to be a
confidential medium of communication. Referred
by (if any):
_______________________________________________________________ Have
you previously received any type of mental health
services (psychotherapy, psychiatric services, etc.)?
___No ___Yes, previous therapist/practitioner:
______________________________________ Are
you currently taking any prescription medication? ___No
___Yes Please
________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Have
you ever been prescribed psychiatric medication? ___No
___Yes Please
list and provide dates:
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL
How would you rate your current physical health? (Please
circle) Poor
good Please
list any specific health problems you are currently
experiencing: _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.
How would you rate your current sleeping habits? (Please
circle) Poor
Very good Please
list any specific sleep problems you are currently
experiencing: _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.
How many times per week do you generally exercise?
____________________________________ What
types of exercise to you participate in:
______________________________________________ 4.
Please list any difficulties you experience with your
appetite or eating patterns. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.
Are you currently experiencing overwhelming sadness,
grief or depression? ___No ___Yes If
yes, for approximately how long?
_____________________________________________________ 6.
Are you currently experiencing anxiety, panic attacks or
have any phobias? ___No ___Yes If
yes, when did you begin experiencing this?
_____________________________________________ 7.
Are you currently experiencing any chronic pain? ___No
___Yes If
yes, please describe?
______________________________________________________________ 8.
Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? ___No
___Yes 9.
How often do you engage recreational drug use? ___Daily
___Weekly ___Monthly
___Infrequently ___Never 10.
Are you currently in a romantic relationship? ___No
___Yes If
yes, for how long?
________________________________________________________________ On
a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your relationship?
__________________________________ 11.
What significant life changes or stressful events have
you experienced recently? _________________________________________________________________________________ In
the section below identify if there is a family history
of any of the following. If yes, please indicate the
family member’s relationship to you in the space
provided (father, grandmother, uncle, etc.).
Family Member Alcohol/Substance
Abuse ___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Anxiety
___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Depression
___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Domestic
Violence ___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Eating
Disorders ___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Obesity
___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Obsessive
Compulsive Behavior ___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Schizophrenia
___No ___Yes
__________________________________ Suicide
Attempts ___No ___Yes
__________________________________ ADDITIONAL
Are you currently employed? ___No ___Yes If
yes, what is your current employment situation? _________________________________________________________________________________ Do
you enjoy your work? Is there anything stressful about
your current work? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.
Do you consider yourself to be spiritual or religious?
___No ___Yes If
yes, describe your faith or belief: _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.
What do you consider to be some of your strengths? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.
What do you consider to be some of your weakness? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.
What would you like to accomplish out of your time in
therapy? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ |